Wholesale to the Public ! We are the cheapest seller of Crushed Ground Walnut Shells
Wholesale to the Public ! We are the cheapest seller of Crushed Ground Walnut Shells
It only takes 2hrs to tumble clean 1.7kg of used shells.
TIP: Add a squirt of Turtle Hard Shell Finish car polish to the media, for extra shiny shells!
Tumble brass casings with PRIMERS REMOVED, with EXTRA COARSE 7/8 Grade, as COARSE gets stuck in the Primer hole.
Tumble brass casings with PRIMERS IN, with COARSE 12/16 Grade.
Our Warehouse & Shop is located near Frankston, at 58 Frankston Gardens Dr. Carrum Downs Vic 3201.
We sell online for delivery on our Website Store:
Pallet or large orders can be organised and invoiced manually by emailing us at sales@crushedwalnutshells.au
One of our Customers shared his Bullet Polishing Method for cleaning spent Pistol Club casings:
1) Tip 1kg Coarse Crushed Walnut Shells & 200 9mm empty brass hulls into the Hornady Tumbler. Add a generous squirt of Turtle Wax Super Hard Shell Finish car polish to give the cartridges a little extra shine. Using the more expensive Hornady One Shot Polish produces a similar result.
The Tumbler is capable of polishing 400 x 38 Special cases or 1.7kg. It takes the same weight of any other calibre.
2) Use Hornady Rotary Media Sifter separator for dumping/clearing the media before storing the polished shells in a container.
I tumble my empties prior to de-priming, this prevents the media from clogging up the primer pocket.